ORF (ZIB 2) subtitles
Some more details
With: “Nur Filme mit Untertitel anzeigen”
Here a comparison between ARD and ORF list items – see in particular the “Größe [MB]” column: 629 with ARD, blank with ORF, again 1288 with ARD; then also the ORF URL doesn’t seem so good:565597 ARD Reportage & Dokumentation Das große Artensterben 23.11.2020 23:30:00 2609 629 true true https://pdvideosdaserste-a.akamaihd.net/int/2020/11/17/220c7f6e-65a4-4206-9129-aeacb20a4979/960-1_779843.mp4
714718 ORF WELTjournal + Joe Biden - der neue US-Präsident 18.11.2020 23:23:32 2997 true true https://apasfiis.sf.apa.at/ipad/cms-worldwide/2020-11-18_2325_in_02_WELTjournal—J_____14071953__o__1261858476__s14797328_Q6A.mp4/playlist.m3u8
565479 ARD Reportage & Dokumentation Aufschrei der Jugend | Generation “Fridays for Future” 18.11.2020 23:20:00 5339 1288 true true DE https://pdvideosdaserste-a.akamaihd.net/de/2020/11/10/c657cdac-c491-4221-a742-3232fd7749d8/960-1_771971.mp4
Then, trying to download an ORF item, all I get is a “fehlerhaft” – whereas a look at the very “Link zur Website” is working ok, subtitles included. Just there a noticeable warning: “Nur in Österreich verfügbar”
<?> Any legal restriction, as I’m connected from Italy? It would be a pity, given my interest for original German News.
Thanks for your support. Yours,
– P.M. -
@InterUser sagte in ORF (ZIB 2) subtitles:
714718 ORF WELTjournal + Joe Biden - der neue US-Präsident 18.11.2020 23:23:32 2997 true true https://apasfiis.sf.apa.at/ipad/cms-worldwide/2020-11-18_2325_in_02_WELTjournal—J_____14071953__o__1261858476__s14797328_Q6A.mp4/playlist.m3u8
In your first post you asked for ZIB 2. This is Weltjournal, not a ZIB 2.
With a Download of this Weltjournal, I get subtitles in two format types:I can download this video with subtitles with a german IP, so it should work also from italy.
Okay, maybe we must make a distinction here - and I am not experienced in this - We find videos in the Filmliste that are labelled “mit Untertitel” and I expect the subtitles to be integrated in the mp4 file as part of the video signal (in other words if you wanted to remove them you couldn’t.)
On the other hand, we have lots of entries where the video doesn’t contain the subtitles but the “UT” tick is present. For those videos you can download a separate subtitle file (right-click on the video and select “Untertitel-URL kopieren”.) The URL you then find in the clipboard points at a separate file with the subtitles. Apparently you can configure your video player to incorporate those subtitles during playback - or, if you are a real boffin with ffmpeg you could also incorporate them into your video file as a separate stream.
In any event, for the WELTjournal video the Untertitel-URL is this:
Download it and have a look.
@gerdd sagte in ORF (ZIB 2) subtitles:
We find videos in the Filmliste that are labelled “mit Untertitel” and I expect the subtitles to be integrated in the mp4 file as part of the video signal (in other words if you wanted to remove them you couldn’t.)
Tihis Weltjournal-entry is labelled “mit Untertitel” and since it is an ORF-entry, as for nearly all ORF-entries there is no downloadable mp4-file, but just an m3u8 stream, which is saved as mp4 through ffmpeg. So your expactation must be wrong - in the formulated generality.
I think this is the more correct version:
labelled “mit Untertitel” means there exists separate downnloadable subtitles. If the subtitles are integrated in the mp4-File, then the entry is (mostly?) not labelled “mit Untertitel”. You can find an example in this thread.
<?> “Download war fehlerhaft”
Let’s be direct and practical. Consider this ORF (ZIB 2) list-item:
716598 ORF ZIB 2 Massentests in Südtirol 18.11.2020 22:00:00 179 true true https://apasfiis.sf.apa.at/ipad/cms-worldwide/2020-11-18_2200_tl_02_ZIB-2_Massentests-in-__14071946__o__1686928475__s14798222_2__BCK2HD_22183212P_22213116P_Q6A.mp4/playlist.m3u8
I’d like to download it, along with the related subtitles. All I get is a “Download war fehlerhaft”.
Any suggestion? Thanks.
See you.
– P.M. -
@InterUser sagte in ORF (ZIB 2) subtitles:
<?> “Download war fehlerhaft”
Let’s be direct and practical. Consider this ORF (ZIB 2) list-item:
716598 ORF ZIB 2 Massentests in Südtirol 18.11.2020 22:00:00There is no geolocking on this item, and there are subtitles available.
The message "“Download war fehlerhaft” means therefore, that probably your settings for ffmpeg are not ok. Maybe the user-agent, maybe a wrong ffmpeg version, maybe something else.
Post the corresponding snippet og the logfile, so we can see whats going wront. Maybe.
Here my current “mediathekview.log”.
Curious that I’ve no such problem with any ARD-”tagesschau” file download, only with ORF’s…
Thanks for your support.
See you.
-– P.M. -
@InterUser sagte in ORF (ZIB 2) subtitles:
Here my current “mediathekview.log”.
This is a Log for playing a video (“Abspielen”) not for downloading it.
In this case it does not matter as it shows you did not do the ORF-Settings, see here.
Please notice, that you need to change the user-agent from this howto from “Mozilla” to something else, e.g. “Moozilla”. In the meanwhile ORF blocks also “Mozilla”.
Curious that I’ve no such problem with any ARD-”tagesschau” file download, only with ORF’s…
There is nothing curious, as ORF provides only streams (*.m3u8) which needs to be converted via ffmpeg, where ARD-entries are *.mp4 which can be directly downloaded.
Log and conclusion:
-> This is a Log for playing a video (“Abspielen”) not for downloading it.
<!> Well, I’ve also tried downloading it dozens of times. Unsuccessfully, alas.-> you did not do the ORF-Settings
<?> Should I? Why/how/where?-> you need to change the user-agent
<?> Really? No faintest idea what here a “user-agent” is, nor why/how/where I should try fiddling with it.OK, fine so:
I’ll be happy to keep enjoying ARD-”tagesschau” news, and wait until when also ORF’s news will become equally available as well.-Anyhow, thanks for your courtesy.
All the best.
– P.M. -
Anmerkung: Prinzipiell bekommt man mit VLC als Player keine extra Untertiteldatei über das Netz geladen, die anders als der Film heißt. Somit muss man Filme vom ORF, die man mit UT sehen will, zuerst herunterladen und dann lokal wiedergeben.
@InterUser sagte in ORF (ZIB 2) subtitles:
-> you did not do the ORF-Settings
<?> Should I? Why/how/where????
I gave you a link to a howto.
@InterUser sagte in ORF (ZIB 2) subtitles:
I see it leads to: “Nur Untertitel downloaden | MediathekView-Forum”
@DaDirnbocher sagte in ORF (ZIB 2) subtitles:
In this case it does not matter as it shows you did not do the ORF-Settings, see here
About the suggested link: “Probleme beim … ORF-Sendungen”
Given a look at your suggested link (“Probleme beim Download und Abspielen von ORF-Sendungen | MediathekView-Forum”) I feel too perplexed to adventure that way, both for technical and ethical reasons.
Then I’ll be really glad to know if a neat and convincing solution of such an issue will become available – I mean: both a technically and ethically convincing solution.
Meantime I’ll be happy to enjoy what MedithekView can fairly do now.
All the best.
So long.
– P.M. -
@InterUser sagte in ORF (ZIB 2) subtitles:
I feel too perplexed to adventure that way, both for technical and ethical reasons.
Doing two settings (one for downloading and one for playing) makes you being too perplexed? For technical and ethical reason?
Yes, of course, “Really” [only now seen your remark]:– Ethical reason
If ORF decided not to let downloading of their files via MediathekView they, as owner, have all the right to do so. And I have no right to force their decision.– Technical reason
So to circumvent their decision you suggested me to adopt some technical provision that I find, so to speak, even technically “inelegant”, beyond being also unfair.
Therefore unacceptable.
Of course.
– P.M.