MediathekView English-doc
Dear Sirs,
as a reference please consider the following last doc-works of mine:
and, possibly, what the Eric Python IDE’s developer, Herr Detlev Offenbach, could say about how we collaborated.Now here what I’d like to tell you.
– I evaluate your “MediathekView” tool potentially very useful for people, like me, struggling to learn real German language, as recorded on TV-news Mediathek files, along with the related and crucially important subtitles (that is: TV-news “UT”-UnterTitel marked).– Unfortunately your tool is not documented in the only language any foreign newcomer, wishing to install and use it, is likely to know; that is English.
– I propose you to thoroughly test and document it in English, provided you’d agree to grant me all the support I would obviously need.Thanks for your attention.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen. Yours,- P.M.