Any “Quick start mode”?
@InterUser with 13.3 you can choose to exclude some film list content during import. This results in less films to be loaded during startup. Also it will not write a filmlist at startup. This should save some seconds on lower end hardware.
Filters have to work on the complete set of films available. Otherwise there would be no chance to quickly show filtered content if unchecked. That´s the simple reason why you have to load almost everything at startup.
I had plans to load only some of the content during startup and write other not yet needed stuff into a database. But it occured that this behaviour works well with SSD disk which are fast and kills performance on old HDD spinning disks. Therefore I decided to load everything into RAM.
You can´t have everything. And I think with the new version (due within short time as I have already delivered the macOS version for publishing) the performance improvement compared to 13.2.1 should be dramatic.
@DerReisende77 – I certainly will welcome ver. 13.3, but now, having got a better understanding of the start-up process, I already feel much more comfortable.
Interesting are some actual start-up time measurements, deliberately making use of a lower end hardware [Intel Atom, Windows 7]:
0] 1162 Filme (Ingesamt: 13385): 5’ 51” <– an “initial” start-up, days after last run;
1] subsequent start-up, short after the “initial” one: 1’ 14”
2] then: 0’ 31”Of course an initial waiting of six minutes could lead newcomers thinking that something got wrong, exactly what I was led to think at the very beginning of my experience with MediathekView. Maybe this little testimony of mine could be of some use for evaluating and tuning the friendliness of the product.
Anyway, as said, last clarifications here obtained are already of real help. Thanks.- P.M.
@InterUser 13.3 should be at lot faster as it doesn´t try to fill the database. But it will need 1GB RAM to run properly. Unfortunately especially old Atom CPUs are slow with Java. And you are running windows which is about 30% slower than linux or macOS. If possible I would suggest for such an old CPU to switch to Linux. This is anyways suggested since Windows 7 is almost EOL and shouldnt be used…
How much memory does this Atom computer have?
@DerReisende77 Please consider:
– Using a low-performing system revealed functional to a better understanding of the program. In this sense it was a good choice to which, anyhow, we are not bound.– Still I’d appreciate the possibility of proactively selecting exclusively specific Mediathek sources (e.g.: ARD “Arbeitsgemeinschaft Rundfunkanstalten Deuschland”), while ignoring all the others.
– Inversely I’d even more appreciate to acquire the technical possibility of adding a new Mediathek source (of “mine”…) to the list of recognized sources.
<!>Please don’t take this as a request, nor a wish; just as the expression of a “brainstorm”-opinion possibly worth knowing. Thanks.
Yours,- P.M.
@InterUser today´s cheapest laptops (Dell etc) are capable enough to run MV a lot faster than any old Atom. And there a system specific limitations. You can´t have realtime search on a low end cpu. And considering how quick IT changes these systems are quickly EOLed and you won´t get support from anybody for them. Therefore low end systems are only under consideration as long as they are supported on the software side. There will not be workarounds to disable specific tasks on low budget equipment simply because with java it is not possible to detect reliably what you are running. And to support it on 3 different OS.
You can configure the filter to show only one sender. That´s what sender checkboxes are used for.
A new media source will not be implemented. MV has a specific task: display content of DE/AT/CH public TV stations. It was not meant and will not be meant to manage content beside the original intent. Also i cannot find a reason why you would want to store a local source within MV. And where you would get the data to import it in a specific format. If you want to manage your local source you should consider using a database.
<!> “MV has a specific task: display content of DE/AT/CH public TV stations.”
Neat & clear. Thanks!- P.M.
— - - -=
– “A new media source will not be implemented.”
Nor, I presume, will MV be opened to third-parties desiring doing it. Nicht wahr?
Would you change your mind please let me know…
- P.M.
@InterUser sagte in Any “Quick start mode”?:
– Inversely I’d even more appreciate to acquire the technical possibility of adding a new Mediathek source (of “mine”…) to the list of recognized sources.
It is clearly possible to use Mediathekview with new Mediathek sources. Write your own crawler for your favourite TV Station(s) (or let someone do this for you). The output of this “new” crawler has to have the same structure as the one MV can read. This is no rocket science, an there is no need to do anything for the current MV-Team.
“It is clearly possible to use Mediathekview with new Mediathek sources.”
Really? I’m pleased. Well, it’s worth thing over.
See you then.
– P.M. -
@DaDirnbocher – Investigating a bit around I’ve concluded that adding a new “custom” Mediathek-source it’s not that great an idea. Having become well aware that:
“MV has a specific task: display content of DE/AT/CH public TV stations.” (ref @DerReisende77 )
I recognize that this is a specialized and “regional” product by design, documentation included.
Fine so, no reason to twist & pollute it, unless the goal would be to create a completely different thing.
Fine so.
Thanks.- P.M.
@InterUser sagte in Any “Quick start mode”?:
@DaDirnbocher – Investigating a bit around I’ve concluded that adding a new “custom” Mediathek-source it’s not that great an idea
Your question, your decision. I won’t discuss it, even if it’s (maybe) wrong.
@DaDirnbocher – Just two more words to explain and better “justify” the conclusion here before concisely exposed – That is, just in case you’d be still interested in the matter.
– A tool offering a View of different Mediatheks is simply an admirable source of fun and utility. And also an opportunity for people of different cultural environments to know, enjoy and appreciate visions of other, different people and different cultural environments.
– Convinced of that, I proactively asked:
–MediathekView community how they would welcome adding and browsing new Mediathek sources to the current ones, and therefore possibly serving a wider community of users;
–At the same time I got in touch with some friends of mine, here around, who created two rather interesting Mediatheks. In particular a Mediathek specialized in historical movies of the mute era [you may have heard about a “Silent Film Festival”].The conclusion of my inquiry (to which in short I referred simply saying “Investigating a bit around”) was that:
– Local Mediatheks people here around didn’t show much interest in my idea;
– Still I wasn’t sure of gaining full and warm support from MediathekView people.-
For what here before said I prudentially decided to keep enjoining MediathekView as it is now, and as a personal fact, without trying to share my joy with other people. Fine so.
All the best. Yours,- P.M.